- Click on the “Register” in the header menu.
- Fill all the details in the registration form and submit.
- It will take 1-2 working days in approval of your registration.
Sign In/out
- After your account has been approved you will receive an email from us.
- You can sign in/out by clicking on the “My account”.
- Fill your username/email and password.
- Sign in.
- You can sign out from your account from the same page.
Access to WordPress Dashboard
- Once you will sign into thePMhub you can access to the WordPress dashboard of our website.
- WordPress dashboard will help you to Change your profile information and submit your blogs.
- After signing in you can see icon in the top left.
- Click on it and WordPress dashboard will open in front of you.
Setup Profile Photo
- After signing in first time in your account we recommend you to set up your profile photo first.
- Go to the dashboard and click .
- Scroll down to the “Avatar” Section
- Click “Upload File” in the top left.
- Click “Select File” and select a square image to upload.
- After uploading select the uploaded image and click on “Set as avatar” in below right corner.
- It is recommended to upload your latest photo as an avatar.
- You can change the avatar in the same way.
Writing blogs
- Open the dashboard and click .
- Click “Add New” to write a new blog.
- Write a headline and body part of your blog.
- After completing blog click on save option in the right-hand side.
Blog Publishing
When you will save your work your blog will be review and publish by us within 2-3 working days.
After completing your blog post please mention that “blog is completed” in last of the blog, so we can find out that you don’t have to change anything after that.